Divorce can be a painful moment in life – a time when many of the secrets of a marriage are spilled out. There might be things about the breakup of your marriage that you do not want anyone to know.
There is generally no obligation to go into detail with people about why your marriage is ending. But what about the legal team who will represent you? Do you need to tell them everything, or can you keep some things secret?
You may not be the best judge of what information is useful
Sometimes legal cases hinge on tiny points that the average person might consider not worth mentioning. It is better to tell your legal team too much, rather than too little. They can always stop you if they think you are giving them too much information.
Your team has a duty of confidentiality
If you were to hear a member of your legal team discussing your case in a local bar, then something would be seriously wrong. Your attorney has a professional obligation to hold the information you give them in confidence, so don’t worry about revealing your secrets to them. They can always tell you to stop if they think you are revealing too much.
Your team needs the full picture to be able to do their best for you
Divorces are complex. If you hold back information from your team it could drastically weaken your case. Imagine they are arguing a point to the judge based on the information they give you, only for the other party to turn around and respond that the true story is somewhat different. You’d leave yourself and your legal team looking stupid and the court may wonder what else you have not been entirely honest about.
Divorce is a team effort, and selecting the right legal team to support you can go a long way to bolstering your chances of a successful outcome.